Thursday, April 19, 2012

doing everything else but what i need to do
fucking CAs
why do you exist?
just to watch me suffer?

Monday, April 16, 2012

went to timbre @substation last friday
and as usual 53A was playing (MEGA YAY!)

then someone requesting for "I Won't Give Up"
by jason mraz
i've heard it a few times, but somehow that day it was different
maybe it was sara's voice, or the way she sang it
or maybe it was because that was a special night with jeremy
(he had a 24hr shift duty the next day, so he only has that night out,
so he sacrificed sleep time to bring me to timbre. SO SWEET)
or maybe the stars aligned (what bullshit am i pulling?)

but anyway, the song tugged on my heart strings
and touched my heart
it was awesome

the lyrics are so meaningful
and every line and word and syllable
struck a chord and made sense to me
jason mraz is an amazing song writer

jeremy, i won't give up on you
or this relationship or us
no doubt it'll be tough
but i won't give up, that's for sure
i love you! (:

Sunday, April 08, 2012

i watched The Vow on saturday with jeremy
and it got me thinking,
a lot in fact

how do people move on from such a traumatic event?
to not be able to remember what you built
and to lose a whole fragment of your past
to no longer be able to feel what you feel for someone
seeing your loved one just fade away into another being before your eyes
to feel like you lost that person forever (or till their memory comes back)
living in the fear of not regaining the memory
and doing everything you can in hopes of triggering something from the past
to not lose hope and not give up
to feel the helplessness of not being able to do anything
to just not be able to remember

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

seriously hating where i am now
i hate studying and the pressure is just fucking insane
i just want to live without having to care so much about a gawddamn paper
seriously, i want to move out of this society and just be me
this is bullshit

Monday, April 02, 2012

since the last time i posted a blog entry
many things happened and filled up my life
i celebrated my 20th birthday
and it is the best one yet

in no way am i making this a contest,
but every year i just get so happy during my birthday
and every year the celebrations make me realise just how lucky i am

on a sadder note,
i start school today
in an hour, my new school semester will commence
and i will hate it so bad
thank goodness for my friends and family