Wednesday, February 22, 2012

it's happening again
it's JC all over again
i've no appetite
yet i eat like on normal days
or sometimes more than on normal days
i can't sleep but i'm tired
my thoughts are erratic and incoherent
i am losing hope
and every single thing just seem
too mundane for me to care

it's happening again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

due to my poor attendance,
partly due to skipping lessons and also being late
i was issued a letter that i was not allowed to take my exams
but then prior to that, i made an appeal
and thus is able to bump my attendance up within the safe zone
now i'm just worried that the admin side is not sharing the info
and i might still be unable to take the exams
it's not helping that the examination entry slip
only comes out the day before my paper
ohhh fuckkk

in other news,
my CA results are in and i seriously expected all As
not because i'm cocky or being a smart alec
but because i sincerely feel that i deserved it
and have put in more effort this semester compared to the other semesters
but to get a B for microeconomics is just so disheartening
but what the heck,
i have to take what i'm given

exams around the corner
and i have zero motivation to study
it isn't helping that skinny is done with his
and is trolling around all day
just playing on his laptop and skyping his friends
sitting around all day and eating junk

Sunday, February 12, 2012

should i regret chopping my hair off?
some days i do
i mean, it's so easy to fall back on my long hair
that even on bad hair days don't come close to the shit i have now
and it's so safe and easy
i don't even need to look in the mirror
and i know i don't look that bad, at least hair wise
so easy to pull it into a ponytail
or a braid or just let it down and blow in the wind
now, i wake up every morning
fussing over my train wreck of a hair
wishing it would just grow out long enough
for me to fuss less about

i need to do something about it
or i swear i will lose it
and chop it all off again

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

sudden motivation to get my old body back
after accompanying carr to her practise
now i just hope this motivation will last

Friday, February 03, 2012

good karma

i helped an ah ma on the bus
and then nice people kept popping up

one uncle drove me to a bus stop
cause i was walking in the rain in an industrial place
another was really when i was getting out of my seat in the bus
and then a lady held me when i was stumbling in the bus
with no hands available to hold any hand pole
or the hanging thingy

good karma is so awesome!