Thursday, January 31, 2008

what kinda learner am i?

You are any visual and tactile learner.
You can benefit by using a combination of sight and experience when you study. You can pick up information by listening but you are too active to listen for long without speaking out. You like to see class demonstrations and you like to take part in study groups, labs, and learning games. You may talk with your hands and you may love to read. You would do well in a drama class. You may sit in the back of the class but you would probably be better off in the front. You can get distracted easily. You would benefit from making flash cards or using pre-made cards to study. You like study groups but you can also study well on your own.
wow...meant to blog last week but didn't get the chance (and my ass off the couch).so here i am..a week let's start...
last wednesday
had track.trained the short d.sec ones are was my call (: so went back to play captain's ball.was the captain,so i was on the chair.once,i was reaching for the ball then it was to far up and i leaned way back so i nearly tripped i kinda did a flip.haha.shocked everyone.haha.
last saturday
bloody pissed about the duty that day.shan't talk about it.then at night,talked to susu and cried like a baby.hated it.i guess i misunderstood some parts.but on the whole,i'm disappointed i lost you. ):
last sunday
when shopping with mommy dearest.walked for a bloody long time and didn't see anything i like.then i saw this top at mu.but didn't have the size and colour i the end bought this brown top at miss selfringe (:
had track.did short d again.cause i'm lazy to train long after training played captain's ball team had like seven players against like fifteen others? we lost la.but the cool part is a fell while saving the ball and one sec one junior.haha.scraped my palm muscle was like bloody numb and pain.haha.
that about wraps it up! (:
au revoir

Monday, January 21, 2008

hello world!supposed to be doing homework,but i'm slacking.haha.chatting online.still left my mother tongue hoemwork but i can't be bothered to do la.haha.
so i went to yppae to have lunch with my sisters.haha.only three could make it.jinxuan,yingxi and xiaojun.went to bugis to eat.haha.changed loads.
you're so sweet! (:
"The leader finds the dream then the people. The people find the leader and the the dream. - John C. Maxwell
au revoir

Sunday, January 20, 2008

just came back from camp.i thought it was gonna be the same old run-of-the-mill boring camp.was really disappointed my the "supposedly" potential councillors and was kinda in a bad mood.must be the pms.crap.
so i was really quite bored with the camp cause i started teh camp with a wrong attitude.but by the end,during the "campfire", i was really inspired to do great after listening to the wise words of our camp commandant,stephen.the "campfire" surprise was super beautiful.the facs used like THREE hours to set it up.haha.they used lightsticks to make some really beautiful decorations la.sadly,i didn't get to take a picture of it.
"if you have many followers behind you,you are merely an achiever." - adapted from a book by stephen.
"there are only four looks.first: look back - look back at your experiences and learn from them.never think your past as a waste of time as what you've gone through makes what you are today.second: look inside - reflect self and focus on your strengths not your weaknesses as our shortcomings are overcomed by our strengths.third: look forward - only by travelling forward,do we produce the best results.and it is also the best way to give the best shot as we keep our eyes on the prize.fourth: look around - reflect on your influences.who you hang out with is who you will become.if you hang around with chickens,soon you'll become a chicken.if you hang around with eagles,soon you'll become an eagle." - adapted from a book by stephen.
i'm from team 3 and we're called laugh out loud is not our name,to lead the rest is our game.we're Leaders Of Leaders.we're led by the beautiful cindy and good-looking jonathan hooper. (: (: (:
shall blog more next time
au revoir

Sunday, January 13, 2008

heya people!!!it's been a hectic week.haha.classes stretching till late in the afternoon and everyone's falling asleep.haha.missed class on tuesday.cross starts this coming sick in school on friday.but i'm a strong girl and i recovered on saturday. (: haven't done my weekend assignments yet.haha.slacking.haha.kae.shall continue to slack...
au revoir