Saturday, August 27, 2011

i can't even begin to say how angry/disappointed i am
it's never a nice feeling
to get ready to go
all that's left is to wait
and wait and wait and wait
and it never happens


Thursday, August 25, 2011

being the total lazy-ass-bum that i am,
let's recap my wednesday,
oh-so-wholesome-and-well-spent wednesday.

putting myself to bed at say 2am,
i timely woke up at 5am then 8, 9, 10, 11
and finally peeled myself outta bed at 12.
cooked myself and skinny so instant noodles
cause we were too lazy to head out for lunch

so jeremy told me about how some of the ns guys
cook instant like cup noodles
where they just put the noodles in the mass tin
and put in the hot water and wait for it to cook
i tried that and boom!
no more standing by the hot steaming pot
you can't get any lazier than that

after which i surfed the net, watched tv and gorged myself on snacks
then went to nap again
resurfaced at 6 for dinner and then surfed the net and watched tv

now, i've made myself some green tea and once again
am in front of my macbook

so bottomline, i'm NOT studying
and i'm getting FAT

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

so, i've gone through a really really bad roller coaster ride
regarding my "future"
and, since i don't know who read this space
i won't divulge too much info
let's just say, i'm done with the ride

- - -

secondly, i received my ca results for all three subjects
a B+ and 2 As
surprisingly, and A for math!
(take that mr chan and mdm song! HAH!)
what i am kinda upset about is getting a B+ for english
i know that the marks were greatly affected by ca2

see, ca2 is a group assignment where we have to design a poster
and well, i have faith to say that we did a good job
before i submitted the work, i check, double-checked and TRIPLE-checked
but, when the teacher opened it, the text was all over the place
and she had to adjust it a bit to see the whole poster
so naturally, we were penalized
and since others didn't have a problem with it (since they used photoshop)
my group had to be marked down
she "blamed" it on my lack of skill

in my defense, who said it HAD (and if i don't i will die) to use photoshop?!
i don't even have photoshop
plus, when she showed us past batches' work,
she used ms word to open it
so why did she have a problem with mine?!
and afiqa rised a fair and justified point:
this is bollocks

- - -

anyway, now i'm on study break
exams will be next wednesday to friday
then holidays till oct
please, will everyone pray/hope/wish that i spend my time productively

and with that,
i'm signing off
(oh, and apologies for the LONG hiatus)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Monday, August 01, 2011

went to watch a movie alone today
honestly, i'm really proud of myself
happy that i finally got off my ass to go alone
yes, i've done it before
but doing it now, is really important for me

no, i am not detaching myself from my life
nor am i detaching myself from my friends and family
i am just finally giving myself some me time
some time to do things i love,
with myself
why would people to do things they know are bad
and continue to do so even if it means hurting their loved ones?

i am thankful to be surrounded by people unlike the aforementioned group above