Sunday, June 26, 2011

my room is so messy
i try not to stay in there any longer than needed
the mess is such a puke-inducing heap

and when i need to stay in my room any longer than 5 mins,
i go in at night and turn off the lights

so i really need to pack my room
or at least attempt to
but there's so much to do
somebody help me?

or maybe i just need a bigger room

Saturday, June 25, 2011

school's starting soon
thinking whether i should spend the money
for a new pencil tin
and a tumbler for the coffee/green tea i'll be drinking
but food&drinks not allowed in lecture theatre
saw a really cute one at artbox@ion
but the starbucks one more durable i think (?)
then there's the headband i kinda want
some new in-ear earphones
and then the bandeau top i want so i wont get such ugly tan lines
money money money

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

there will be times when you feel like you are drifting away
away from those who you once were so close with
you were "attached to the hip" with them

but then now, you feel the distance
and the strain of holding a conversation

well, that's what life does to people
it sometimes pulls people in opposite directions
it sometimes pushes people together

but ultimately,
it's how you find your way back
despite all the differences and all the clashing schedules and obstacles

i am going through that now
with one of my friends

she might or might not read this
given her busy schedule

but if you do, bbgirl
please know this

i know i've become a whole different person in your eyes
but i guess my passion and drive for everything has died down
and given all this we have grown slightly more apart that i wanted
i hope we can kick back and go shopping or something soon
putting this behind us
till then, i'm still a text/call away


Monday, June 20, 2011

some people just need to know when to BACK OFF

you might have been some random stranger
then someone who meant something to me
and then made me wanna push you away

whatever the reason,
whatever my reason,

you DO NOT have a bloody right
to make judgements about me

you are not making sense
ya know?!
a word of advice,
go and re-think about everything
then maybe you won't be so baffled

and then at the same time,
do me a huge favour and
fuck off

Saturday, June 18, 2011

school is gonna start soon for me
and i have orientation coming up
for once in my nineteen years of life
i am dreading EVERYTHING
be it piano, driving or sports
i am just dreading doing/going through it all
i lost my drive in everything
don't even wanna attend orientation
just wanna quietly go by each day and finish school
so when you ask my "classmates" if they know a hazel
they'll be like, "who?"
that's my goal

or else, someone find me back my drive
cause i can't find it
i can't do it
how do you tell someone to back off
without seeming mean
and without all the drama that follows?
to do list:
1) get my green havaianas
2) get my BB casing
3) stop being so lazy

i did get my green havaianas
and i did get a BB casing
but i'm still lazy as hell

Monday, June 13, 2011

training driving training piano going out
training driving training piano going out
training driving training piano going out

Saturday, June 11, 2011

WANT those green havaianas
WANT to sell off my almost-brand-new havaianas
WANT to get my gawddamn bloody license
WANT to finish my piano dread
WANT those earphones
WANT to go shopping for comfy cotton bras
WANT those green vans
WANT more denim shorts
WANT some men's shirts
WANT to buy more simple dresses
WANT me some booze and party
WANT to see that flashing blue light

Friday, June 10, 2011

why do i even bother
fighting this losing battle

for all the potential i see
for everything i believed in
for the traditions and legacy that is worthy

but i am the only one
i am the only one

and i feel like such a failure

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

i am so tired
yet i can't sleep

thousand and a million things
just flying around and driving me to insanity

i don't think we should even think of anything
at this time, at this juncture

whatever that should happen
will happen

so just for now
for this moment in our lives

just let me go
cause i let you go,
when i said goodbye

Sunday, June 05, 2011

on a lighter note,
i love rainy days
so then life brings about many different experiences
some that are eventful and life-changing
others you wished didn't happen to you

for me, i went through one that was both
at first (and actually till now), i questioned the indisputable universe
why it happened to me, despite my efforts
and why the universe was torturing me and putting me through it all

then the aftermath of it all just made me realise just who are those who care
and also, how guilt can bring me such pain
till now i wonder why it all happened and if there were to be a different outcome
how it would have been and how i would have taken it

many people are telling me that this is all a huge painful but nonetheless meaningful lesson
and although i want to agree with them and take it in my stride
i can't
for the fact that it is not a lesson
i didn't learn anything from this
and if i were able to go back in time
i would have altered this part of y history so i never have to go through this
and put my loved ones through this either
it was truly a heart-wrenching episode in my life

all's cast in stone,
at least for this interval in my life

Friday, June 03, 2011